Scorpio, (born between Oct 23-Nov 22) as many sources say, can be a very loyal and loving friend. But to become true friends with a Scorpio, it will take a lot of time to prove to them that you a friend they should take seriously. This is guide that will help you gain trust with a Scorpio. Enjoy!
- Remember that a Scorpio is very observant and can see through things very easily, which means if you are being fake with a Scorpio, they would notice and wouldn't think you a worthy of their trust--which means no friendship.
- Scorpio's are very mysterious and they don't like telling people about themselves that much. If you ask them too many questions they will feel uncomfortable and without showing a single bit of it, they wouldn't like you for that. So give them space.
- However, Scorpio's like to hear about other people rather then telling about themselves. Tell a Scorpio something about yourself and they will most likely remember it. But try not to tell them everything all at once, because then the Scorpio won't have anything to be intrigued about you--cause they like to slowly gather information and once they have it all, its less interesting.
- Scorpios don't like too much attention. They like it when you are nice to them and value their opinions, and also show them some respect.
- If a Scorpio has something to say, they've been thinking about it before they said it, so make sure you listen cause it might make a difference for you.
- Scorpios like to feel in charge, as much as they might not want to show it. They love the feeling of being the one in charged because that's just the mentality they were born with. If you take this away from them purposely then you will lose points with them. Still, don't try to be a push-over, since then the Scorpion won't see you as someone who can stand up for themselves. Scorpions value a person with pride (but don't stomp on theirs)
- Scorpios are all about mystery and finding things out. They are the most curious people you will find, whether they show it or not. There has to be something that they are interested in, e.g. music, the opposite sex, places they want to visit--try to find out what they like the most, and research on it. Make sure not to ask them questions that are too personal. But when you find out what they like, talk about it. Don't seem like a know-it-all. Ask them questions about it too and make them feel smart. They will remember you most when you make them feel smart and are interested (for real) and when you teach them something new.
- Scorpios have sex on their mind 70-95 percent of the day. Even though they might not show it, they think about it a lot. But don't take this lightly because, especially the female, they usually fight their temptations and preserve themselves for someone who they feel is really worthy of having sex with them. For guys, he might be more of the one-night-stand type of guy.
- What Scorpio appreciates is when you treat them with more respect then just anyone. For example, lets say your Scorpio friend is standing next to one of their friends, that you know. You can hug that person quickly, and when you hug the Scorpio, you hug them longer and slower. But remember, Scorpios don't like too much affection in public if you are not going out with them. Even if they are smiling or not, they might feel uncomfortable. But if they are giving you this flirtatious look or if they are the one making the moves, they like it.
- Don't get a Scorpio to be mad at you, whether you do it intentionally or unintentionally. When you make a Scorpio mad at you, as much as they want to forget it, they cant. They will remember what you did to hurt them for a long time. Just don't be fake with them. Don't make false promises, and NEVER lie. They are very resourceful and can find things out in a short time. They also use their intuition, which is usually right.
- Remember this: The Scorpios that are the most quiet, are the ones who see it all. They've seen you when you didn't notice, and they detect if you are good enough for them, just by seeing. And remember this one: THE MOST QUIET SCORPIOS ARE THE MOST FREAKIEST PEOPLE UNDERCOVER.
- Scorpios are really deep thinkers, who might often catch themselves day dreaming about reality or desires. However, this might not be a good thing because a Scorpio can dwell on the negative sometimes, even if they are smiling. If you come across a Scorpio who you think is in some sort of depression, don't ask them what's wrong. They will say nothing. Just compliment them on their look-but DON'T over do it. And then strike up a quick conversation with them. They might not have anything to say unless they ask simple questions about you. But you just ask them questions about a topic you guys talked about, or anything else--just don't pry into their emotions!!! If you stay with them, or even make them laugh, it will take away some of their sadness and they will really be grateful of that-whether they show it or not.
- The Scorpio has a strong sex appeal, whether they show it or not, and they are secretly proud of it. Say something like "You are a freak, I know it!" or "I've never met anyone who has a sex appeal like yours!" and they will enjoy it, just don't make it a BIG deal, and don't announce it 24/7, and be careful who you say it around.
- A Scorpio is not really the person to go up to you unless they are interested in you enough to go up to you. Don't be surprised if you are the new person around and everyone is talking about you. The Scorpio must have heard everyone's fascination with you and want to test it out for themselves and see what type of person you are. If this happens, seem confident but never cocky. Be nice to them, and be yourself. Scorpios value anyone who isn't afraid of being themselves. And tell them your interests and be honest when they ask you questions--it most likely won't be anything personal.
- When a Scorpio stares at you and tries to get your eye contact, they have been watching you--and they want you. Return the flirting with them and they will now be waiting for you to go up to them casually. Don't make them nervous. If you see they are nervous, give them time and kindly say you have to go somewhere, or without paying attention to anyone else (the opposite sex) take some of your attention off of them, because they don't like too much attention.
- If you want to impress a Scorpio, you must be honest and be yourself, but don't be disrespected by others, and don't be an immature idiot. They like people who get respect, or are at the top.
- When you are on a date with a Scorpio, don't try to kiss them on the first date. They will think you don't really want a solid relationship with them, and that's what a Scorpio wants, deep inside.
- Most Scorpios like the color black. Its dark and mysterious, like them. They also like the color red.
- When you have things in common with a Scorpio, they will remember you more. SO try to do/talk about thing that you guys have in common.
- Don't be too mysterious with a Scorpio. And NEVER tell a Scorpio that they are not right, or that you are a private person and you won't tell them something. They are the ones to be mysterious, not you. They only ask you questions to find out what type of person you are, and if they don't think you are a good person, they probably won't truly want to be your friend.
- Scorpios aren't really into talking on the phone--well, most of them. They prefer chatting on-line or talking in person.
- To show a Scorpio you care, be somewhat gentle with them and treat them better then you would treat another person. Don't over do it. If they see that you treat them with more respect, they will like you and start to repay you by treating you with more respect.
- Scorpios love to compete--and win. If you see a bored Scorpio and you guys already had a conversation. Do a small competition with them. Try not to have too many people watch because if they loose they will get a little annoyed. If they will they will want to secretly do it again so they can beat you. again. A Scorpio needs a competitor to be at its best. Just don't become its enemy in the process.
- Scorpios hide everything, especially what they feel. They might tell you a little bit of what they think and they will expect you to treat that with respect. But usually the hide what they feel most of the time, and if they feel wronged, they will hide it until everything just bursts out, and that's not a sight to see.
- Scorpios are really good friends, if they feel you are good enough to be their friend. Be loyal, treat them with respect, selflessness, intriguing, and they will appreciate you. Don't forget to be yourself, Scorpio has at least 10 definitions for the word 'fake' and being something your not is one of them. And being-faced.
- If you play hard-hard-to-get with a Scorpio, they will be up for the challenge. Just make sure no one else can have you or they are not going to want you. You have to be hard for everyone else to get, and that's what they consider hard to get. They like things to themselves and if everyone else can have you, they won't want you anymore.
- If you can show a Scorpio respect, and if you can't share some of the power with them, they will leave to somewhere/someone else.. No doubt.
- When a Scorpio gives you the piercing stare, you know you have gotten them upset. They may be thinking "I know what you did." "I don't like you" "I want to kill you" "I'm sick of you" "You are so fake." "Leave me alone." "You're getting on my nerves." Its going to take a while to gain back trust with a Scorpio if you get this look from them.
- The genitals are everybody's erogenous zone but since the Scorpio is the most sexually charged of all zodiac signs, the genitals are extremely sensitive and will ignite a passionate fire that cannot be extinguished. Stroke and caress these areas lightly. There is no wrong way to stimulate this area, but be gentle
- What does the Scorpio really want deep inside? They want to love somebody and trust somebody. They need to have their own privacy and space. They need to feel at least a little bit in control of something. They hate being bored and like change. They like honest people and hate it when people get in the way of their desires. Compliment them, but never over do it. Make them feel wanted, even if they are quiet. Show them that you care about them. Know about what you talk about with them. Be selfless and they will repay it by treating you the same way. Don't lie to them because they will find out the truth in a short time, and they most likely aren't going to tell you that they know because they keep their emotions to them selves. And if they do tell you, you most likely bothered them a lot by your lies. Scorpios like to be the best, and if you want to be the best, be the best with them but don't put yourself above them. If you want to win their heart or their sex-- you have to win everything else, including all the mental tests they will put you through. Scorpios are the most loyal people you will meet, if they feel you are worthy of their loyalty and love.
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